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Egilea:Winston Churchill

Winston Churchill
Izen osoa Winston Leonard Spencer Churchill
Jaiotza Blenheim jauregia1874ko azaroaren 30a
Bizilekua Dublin
Blenheim jauregia
Lehen hizkuntza Ingeles britainiarra
Heriotza Hyde Park Gate (en) Itzuli1965eko urtarrilaren 24a (90 urte)
Hobiratze lekua St Martin's Church, Bladon (en) Itzuli
Beste proiektuetan
  Biografia Wikipedian
  Bere esaldiak Wikiesanetan
  Multimedia Commonsen
Lan nabarmenak A History of the English-Speaking Peoples (en) Itzuli
The Second World War (en) Itzuli
A Traveller in War-Time (en) Itzuli
Jasotako sariak Literaturako Nobel Saria Literaturako Nobel Saria  (1953)
Companion of the Liberation Companion of the Liberation
Royal Societyko kidea
Grand Cross of the Order of the Oak Crown Grand Cross of the Order of the Oak Crown
honorary citizen of the United States  (1963)
Grand cross of the Order of the White Lion Grand cross of the Order of the White Lion : Miloš Zeman  (2014ko urriaren 28a)
Karlomagno Saria  (1956ko maiatzaren 10a)
Knight Grand Cross with Collar of the Order of Saint Olav‎ Knight Grand Cross with Collar of the Order of Saint Olav‎
Freedom Award  (1958)
Knight Grand Cross in the Order of the Netherlands Lion Knight Grand Cross in the Order of the Netherlands Lion  (1946ko maiatzaren 8a)
Grand Cordon of the Order of Leopold Grand Cordon of the Order of Leopold
Ameriketako Estatu Batuetako Kongresuko Urrezko Domina
Distinguished Service Medal Distinguished Service Medal  (1919)
Queen's Sudan Medal Queen's Sudan Medal  (1889)
Queen's South Africa Medal Queen's South Africa Medal  (1901)
Askapenaren Ordena Askapenaren Ordena  (1958)
Médaille militaire Médaille militaire
Albert Medal  (1945)
Knight of the Garter Knight of the Garter : Elizabeth II.a Erresuma Batukoa  (1953)
Merituaren Ordena (Erresuma Batua) Merituaren Ordena (Erresuma Batua)
Companion of Honour Companion of Honour  (1922ko urriaren 19a)
Victory Medal Victory Medal
1939–45 Star 1939–45 Star
Africa Star Africa Star
France and Germany Star France and Germany Star
King George VI Coronation Medal King George VI Coronation Medal
Queen Elizabeth II Coronation Medal Queen Elizabeth II Coronation Medal
Military Medal of Luxembourg Military Medal of Luxembourg  (1946ko uztailaren 14a)
1914–15 Star 1914–15 Star
British War Medal British War Medal
King George V Silver Jubilee Medal King George V Silver Jubilee Medal
Order of the Elephant Order of the Elephant
Croix de Guerre Croix de Guerre
Order of the Oak Crown Order of the Oak Crown
Crosses of Military Merit
Order of the Star of Nepal Order of the Star of Nepal
Cross of Liberty Cross of Liberty
Order of the White Lion Order of the White Lion
Honorary doctor of Leiden University  (1946)
Territorial Decoration Territorial Decoration  (1924ko urriaren 31)
honorary citizen of Brussels  (1945eko urriaren 16a)
honorary doctor of the University of Miami  (1946ko otsailaren 26a)
honorary citizen of Mons
honorary Fellow of the Royal College of Surgeons  (1943)
Nominazioak Bakearen Nobel Saria
Literaturako Nobel Saria
Literaturako Nobel Saria
Literaturako Nobel Saria
Bakearen Nobel Saria
Literaturako Nobel Saria
Literaturako Nobel Saria
Literaturako Nobel Saria
Literaturako Nobel Saria
Kidetza Arteen eta Zientzien Ameriketako Estatu Batuetako Akademia
Royal Society
Society of the Cincinnati (en) Itzuli
Galtzariaren Ordena
IMDb nm0161476

